
Confronting the World... standing up for the recognition of God

We said goodbye to the new Mr. and Mrs. Josh Gaffga in Dallas, Texas. It was a wonderful time of celebration and love. Thanks be to God!

Before I left for Dallas I was ruminating on NBC’s decision to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance that was recited at the US Open. The children said, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands with liberty and justice for all.” I haven’t read much news on the issue since I left for Dallas so I don’t know exactly the reason for NBC’s decision. I should add that NBC has stated that such an error will never happen again, for which we have reason to give thanks.

Now I’m not for legislating our faith but I certainly believe that God is indeed sovereign over this nation and it would serve this nation well to recognize its Creator and Provider. Although our country is so very worldly, Christians, knowing that Christ died for the “world”, ought to ensure that His Name is proclaimed – the Name that is above every name, the Name that is included in God because God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We Christians need to stand for the recognition of God in all matters of life in this country and the world.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer witnessed Nazism’s insidious intrusion into Germany and the subsequent decline of faith. He writes: Christianity must be used polemically today against the worldly in the name of a better worldliness … (Ethics, p. 60). He is saying that Christianity must confront the world, be controversial and vocal, and seek to make the world’s sphere and the sacred sphere one with each other. There is no difference in God’s sight. Bonhoeffer writes, The world is not divided between Christ and the devil; it is completely the world of Christ whether it recognizes it or not (Ethics, p. 65). If NBC thinks otherwise, then we must say a loud “No” to them.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12a).

Yours in Christ,


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