
Coming to Grips With Grace

I find it easier to be charitable to people who are more deserving of my kindness. I don’t know if it’s me or if we all struggle with that. It’s difficult for me to act nicely toward arrogant folks, people who think they’re hot stuff or who are prideful. I’d much rather be kind to those who ask for my mercy and tell me that they are sorry and make amends along the way. And what’s more - I can tell you which people fall into which category!

I guess this makes me a judge of what is right and wrong, which is really not my prerogative but God’s. Who am I to determine who gets mercy and who doesn’t?

I read in the Bible that God’s love is such that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. That’s pretty shocking when you think about it.

From that I deduce that while another person is against me in some way, I should be kind and loving towards them. Now why is that so difficult? I can only think of one reason - PRIDE. I have not been humbled before God; I have not experienced His grace to such a degree that I am able to dispense that same grace towards another. There are stories and parables about that in the Bible. And I believe that people like Ebeneezer Scrooge finally understand grace even if it is under threat and fear of death.

Every day is another opportunity for God to shed his grace on me. I don’t deserve it. What makes me think another person doesn’t deserve it? It’s my sin that keeps my eyes and heart shut. So every day I will make the effort one more time to extend to another that which God has already extended to me in Jesus Christ His Son. And if my effort is not enough I will surrender myself and the other person to my Lord. His lovingkindness lasts forever for both of us.

Yours in Christ,


How Do You Measure Success?

So here’s the question of the week. How do you tell if you are successful? Is it how much money you make? Maybe it’s how high up you are on the corporate ladder. Maybe it’s by the number of people you reach or the amount of satisfaction you feel at your job. How is success measured in your marriage, at school, or with your friends?

I really have no idea how to help you define success in any of those areas, but I will tell you how I measure success within the church, the community of faith. And I think it is probably the same way Jesus thought about success, if he in fact ever thought about being successful. So think about this measure of success for whatever community of faith to which you belong.

How well do we recognize God’s grace in Christ to forgive us and reconcile us to God and what are we doing to share that grace with others?

I like that. Don’t know if I stole it or thought it but I found it in some notes I had written.

If people in the community of faith can really recognize God’s grace in their lives, to know that they stand before the living God free from any guilt of sin, then I believe the church is successful in getting out the message of the Good News.

Time after time Jesus brought grace into people’s lives and they seemed to ‘get it’. Their lives were changed as they realized how much God loved them. They were brought into the circle of grace. They who lived so often on the outside were brought inside. They were accepted by God and forgiven by God and they realized that something new had happened to them.

This is the essence of the Good News and this is the mark of the successful church. How we measure it can only take place in intimate and honest conversation about the journey of faith. I hope you have such a place for such a conversation.

God Bless,



I'm a Wanderer

Sometimes i find myself with what my wife Gigi calls ADD because I am all over the place. i start one project or one book and then Ii am on to another. I can multitask and work on several books and projects at the same time. Only God knows how effeciently this system works but I seem to get things done that need doing.

My friend Pat was telling me the other day that such behavior is not necessarily bad. He quoted from Lord of the Rings, Not all who wander are lost. Well, I am a wanderer for God. It's my style. Sometimes it's hard for people to keep up with me. In fact, some can't. But for those who can...let's get on with this journey called faith and remember this...we might just make a quick turn up ahead, so pay attention.

Controlling the Temper..... deploying the brakes with H.A.L.T.

There is a Proverb that says that a man who can control his temper is better than one who can conquer an entire city (Proverbs 16:32).

There is no power in loudness, only (to some degree) chaos. I know. Last week I found myself losing my temper. That’s an interesting turn of phrase isn’t it? A temper is a state of mind. I guess I could say I lost my state of mind. I lost my healthy state of mind is more like it. Or maybe I just lost my mind.

Some of you probably cannot imagine the pastor getting irritable or angry. Ah, but it happens. And when it does, like in a crowd of people or at a board meeting, it isn’t pretty. It doesn’t happen often but when it does I have to ask myself, Why?

I really can’t blame somebody else for my temper or temperament. I should be in control of my emotions. I suppose I could say it’s genetic or symptomatic of an illness - but I can’t. It’s my choice, my responsibility.

People in AA have an acronym that helps them remember what they need to avoid so as not to find themselves wanting a drink: H.A.L.T. (some have added an S.) It reminds them not to get into a place of hunger, anger, loneliness or tiredness.

I can identify some things in my life that need to be addressed so that I keep my temper to myself. It’s like what the flight attendant tells you before you take off - if the oxygen mask drops, put yours on first (take care of yourself) before you assist the person next to you. That’s probably good advice for all of us, especially your pastor.

Oh, the ‘S’ in H.A.L.T.S.? It stands for don’t be stupid.

Yours in Christ,



Confronting the World... standing up for the recognition of God

We said goodbye to the new Mr. and Mrs. Josh Gaffga in Dallas, Texas. It was a wonderful time of celebration and love. Thanks be to God!

Before I left for Dallas I was ruminating on NBC’s decision to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance that was recited at the US Open. The children said, “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands with liberty and justice for all.” I haven’t read much news on the issue since I left for Dallas so I don’t know exactly the reason for NBC’s decision. I should add that NBC has stated that such an error will never happen again, for which we have reason to give thanks.

Now I’m not for legislating our faith but I certainly believe that God is indeed sovereign over this nation and it would serve this nation well to recognize its Creator and Provider. Although our country is so very worldly, Christians, knowing that Christ died for the “world”, ought to ensure that His Name is proclaimed – the Name that is above every name, the Name that is included in God because God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We Christians need to stand for the recognition of God in all matters of life in this country and the world.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer witnessed Nazism’s insidious intrusion into Germany and the subsequent decline of faith. He writes: Christianity must be used polemically today against the worldly in the name of a better worldliness … (Ethics, p. 60). He is saying that Christianity must confront the world, be controversial and vocal, and seek to make the world’s sphere and the sacred sphere one with each other. There is no difference in God’s sight. Bonhoeffer writes, The world is not divided between Christ and the devil; it is completely the world of Christ whether it recognizes it or not (Ethics, p. 65). If NBC thinks otherwise, then we must say a loud “No” to them.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12a).

Yours in Christ,


Mowing The Lawn

I love mowing the lawn. Now let’s be clear. Gigi does all the push mowing, by her choice, and I ride the comfortable John Deere. We have always mowed our own lawns. It’s good therapy. For me it is particularly good therapy because I get to smoke a good cigar as I ride and relax.

Here’s the thing though. As I am riding I think to myself, “What if one of the church folks sees me smoking this cigar? What will they think of me, their pastor?” Our lawn borders two busy streets. Sometimes I try to be careful not to mow close to the road where the cars are passing by.

Anyway today I got to thinking, 'Man, Christians can be some uptight people.' Sometimes we are too vigilant about the behavior of people around us and what’s worse is we can be too vigilant about our own behavior when we don’t need to be. And if you think I have problems with this, think about our Roman Catholic friends who at one time in history, not that long ago, had to be so careful about not eating meat on Fridays and watching other people eat and wondering about mortal and venial sins.

Somewhere in the Bible I have read that we have freedom as Christians, not necessarily freedom to do all sorts of immoral activities but certainly more freedom than we allow ourselves. Heck, I even find myself being too careful about what I read lest I stumble in my walk with the Lord along the literary way.

But I was talking with someone last week who told me I need to be kinder to myself and I think the person was so right. So I am riding the mower today and I really think God spoke to me and said, “George, go ahead and enjoy yourself.” God is like that you know. He put us here to serve him and to enjoy the life he has given us while we serve him to the best of our ability and talent. Jesus even turned water to wine as His first miracle.

As you read this Gigi and I are in Dallas, Texas preparing for the marriage of our son, Josh, to his fiancĂ©e, Beth. What a joy this celebration will be. And Jesus will be present at it. Someplace in the Bible it says that wine gladdens the heart. Somebody say, “Amen!”

Let’s loosen up a little. And if I am preaching here only to myself then so be it, cause I am learning a thing or two along the way.

Yours happily in Christ,
