

So at the end of December I made my first visit to the VA clinic. I don’t think you can appreciate how humbling an experience it was. (You can read the “rest of the story” a little further on.) As I arrived at the clinic I realized that I’d forgotten all my paperwork. I’m uptight about going there in the first place and now I’m stressed that I left my papers at home. So when I go in for my check-up my blood pressure is 135/92. It’s usually 125/72. Thankfully, Gigi faxed my papers after I called her - from the VA’s phone because my cell phone had died (but that’s another story). Anyway, the rest of the story…

I'd never had the nerve to ask the VA for help. When I thought of all the folks more deserving than I, I was reluctant to even fill out the paperwork. See, I was a cadet at the US Coast Guard Academy for one year, 1967-68. Due to an injury incurred there, and because being a cadet is considered “active duty”, I received an honorable discharge, DD214 papers and all. (The enemy would have to be landing at Horton’s Point for the cadets to be called into service.) And what exactly would my headstone at Calverton Cemetery read? Cadet Georgie?

Anyway, I’m at the VA Clinic and the folks, who are so nice by the way, are asking me questions.
“In what war era did you serve?”
“Oh, Vietnam.”
“How long?”
“One year.”
“Overseas or stateside?”
“Uh, stateside.” [does my voyage to Wilmington, NC on “The Eagle” count?]
“Ever wounded?”
"Um, nope." [unless you count the “Dear John” letter I got while I was at the Academy]

And so it went. My blood pressure never did come down.

I was embarrassed to be treated so well. All the while I’m thinking, I don’t deserve this. But a friend told me I was legitimately eligible and she worked out all the details for me. Still, I was humbled to be brought into the presence of my government to receive help.

And I got to thinking. I wish I felt so humbled and awed at the thought of being in God’s presence. The Almighty Sovereign King has, by his grace, told me I belong. I am eligible for all his benefits. And what did I do to deserve such kindness? Nothing. A Friend brought me there.

How do we get to God? Jesus takes us into his presence. There we are, humbled and loved at the same time. Awed and yet at peace.

Please, let us not take God’s goodness and grace for granted.

[By the way, thank you, Debbie.]

Sincerely in Christ,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks George, I hate asking for help. I can do it all by myself right? It's a struggle to turn our life over to God. Thanks for reminding me I have a friend that can help.
