
Healthcare for the Unborn Children

So I'm reading a NY Times op-ed piece (November 12) about "Trading Womens' Rights for Political Power". Seems the authors are upset that the administration and Democrats voted to keep the ban on using federal dollars for abortion. Their conclusion? Millions of women will become victims of their folly.

OK, so it may be naive but I'd like to know where is the concern for healthcare for the unborn children? Are they relegated to the status of "insignificant tissue" to be disposed of by someone's "choice"? Who will speak for the children? Is their life so cheap as to be some kind of political football? Regardless of my own political preferences, I thank God for those who speak for the voiceless, even if their reasoning may be in some respects "political".

I personally know some who have made difficult choices. Our God is merciful and forgiving. But our God came to give all of us the choice of a more abundant life. How can we presume to take that choice away from the most helpless?

The authors of the Times article write, The party chose a course that risks the well-being of millions of women for generations to come. You can probably guess my next question ...