
The Last Word -- Kingdom Living

Spiritual disciplines are simply exercises that allow us to deny our own self-needs and draw closer to God. They are the ways in which we let go of our Kingdom and live in God's Kingdom, where we learn that indeed “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

One of the most wonderful disciplines is silence; in not having to fill the voids with words, not having to fill our minds with noise.  This discipline can be practiced in a group of people or between two people in which we discipline ourselves to NOT HAVE THE LAST WORD. Ask yourself why you or I need to jump in with our opinion or our story or our last calamity.  It is because we would like our Kingdom to reign, our “selfs” to rise to an importance above others. Jesus would say “deny yourself” so that you may actually discover in yourself the presence of a greater 'self' – God’s self.

So give it a try when there is a group discussion going on or just when you are with other people.  Let someone else have the last word or any words.  Try being quiet and see if the world will not keep turning without your wisdom.  You will be surprised at how deeply God dwells in such silence.

Yours in Christ,

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