
Aliens and Sojourners

I’ve been thinking. It’s too bad that the Native Americans didn’t have a tough immigration bill to keep all those Europeans from invading their land. And they sure could have used a tough police force in the Old West to “profile” any rider that came over the ridge.

The immigration bill passed recently in Arizona does not reflect the Christian values upon which we say our nation was founded….

The land in which we live is God’s land. We do not own it. God owns it. We are, as it were, borrowing it. It is a gift from God while we sojourn here. In Leviticus 1:33-34 the Bible reads:
When an alien lives with you in your land do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.

The word of God makes it clear that we are to love the aliens who come within our borders. As a matter of fact, we are all aliens on this earth. God is not partial to America. America doesn’t need protection from further intrusion of those who, like all of us, seek a better life or just some kind of “daily bread” for themselves and their families.

If we truly believe that safety and security are issues, then let’s find just ways to govern our borders. Let’s find fairer ways to assimilate folks into our labor system, medical system, and our way of life.

The new law in Arizona calls for people to carry identification papers. It also says that if anyone is caught driving an undocumented immigrant, say to church for example, the driver will be arrested. This is Caesar’s law, not God’s.

In the last judgment Jesus will say to us that whenever we welcomed “the stranger” we welcomed Him. Let’s not turn Christ away or mistreat Him.

Pray that Congress will find a compassionate, Godly way to address the issue of immigration.

I invite your responses. Use the comment feature.



  1. It would be interesting to think not only about national politics, but how MPC could be of practical help to the immigrant workers on the North Fork--I know the Thrift Shop is one way but I bet there are others. In our experience here in Spain, Latinos who are not yet Christian are very open to the gospel!

  2. good idea...thank you..

  3. Leviticus 1;33-34 is the wrong scripture reading concerning this matter, Liviticus 19; 33-34 is the correct reading. I think its very true we should pass Godly compassionate laws concerning immigration. This is such a hard subject. While as christians who see the need to help our fellow man rise and walk in the light of Christ there is certainly other issues involved. we are also commanded to keep all of Gods decrees.Leviticus 19;37 If we must keep them then they also who come to live among us must keep them and be instructed in them so we can live in peace with each other.
    The same gospel that governs us needs to govern them.I am a new member of Gideons,One of the main purposes of the Gideons is to put into the hands of all races and creeds Gods word.I do my laundry at the local laundry matt hear in mattituck.Hear you will find mattitucks spanish population every week end.
    And hear is where i lay on the counters new testaments in spanish. In less then an hour you will see them disapear into the hands of hungry people looking for spiritual guidence and hope for there lives. Jesus Christ fulfilled all the requirments of the law, The words of Christ i beleave compel every person to obey the laws. And i beleave as we go forth with the new testament the holy spirit lights upon every mind and heart. This applys to every creed, Nation ,& race. In the book of Judges 6;34-35 Gideon gives a call to arms. Today is like then, The voice of Jesus calls us to arms, The most powerful weapon we have is Gods word. When the word is given the spirit of God desends and brings peace to a troubled soul. Right now the Gideons are looking for a few good men & women. What a wonderful ministry. Please contact Lars from MPC 631-765-3174 he can fill you in.
    Thanks for reading
