

So today I was thinking about anger. I would like to define it as our response to that which trespasses on our own will.

Our own will is our Kingdom.  We like our Kingdom territory and we don't like it when someone or some circumstance attempts an overthrow of our sovereignty.

For example, a driver cuts in front of us; a rainstorm cancels our golf outing; a spouse asks for a favor that cuts into our plans.  Anger can also be a response during an argument when our being right is questioned or we are confronted by someone else's contrary ideas. When a little child commences rule over his or her kingdom they might throw a tantrum if their toys are taken by another child or if they’re told it’s nap time.

No one in the human situation really wants their Kingdom threatened, even by God's will. We like to say we trust God but the truth of our Kingdom is that we will like God and believe as long as God's will conforms pretty much with ours.  Terms like submit, surrender, give up, and relent are not a natural part of our vocabulary. Sovereigns don't do that kind of thing.  We are the Generals of our own armies and we don't cower under any other power.

So if we are to be less angry, here's what we will need to do.  Say to God, “your will, not mine be done”.  We will need to stop thinking mine, my plans, my way. Instead, trust God for each moment of our lives, believing that He looks out for us, that he cares for us and that his Kingdom is best. See, nothing can thwart the Kingdom of God.  Not a rude driver, or a natural disaster; not  infirmity, or any rude, pushy person.

Keep believing that you are loved and that God is setting your way in life.

Being “born again” means seeing that there really is a bigger and better Kingdom than our measly little plot of ground we call “our will”.

So start today by examining what it is that makes you angry and why it does.

Let the word surrender become a regular part of your vocabulary.  Learn in little ways to go out of your way to care about someone else.

One more thing. Since you are loved by God, take care of yourself. Part of your own Kingdom issue may be your need to meet others’ needs — and that may not always be God's will for you.  So stop, be still and realize that you are not God.  That's found in Psalm 46.

Anger as a response to wrong against the will of God can be trusted to people like Jesus but not to us.  So take a look at ole mr. or miss anger and say, 'get back Jack.'

Yours in Christ,

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