
Coming to Grips With Grace

I find it easier to be charitable to people who are more deserving of my kindness. I don’t know if it’s me or if we all struggle with that. It’s difficult for me to act nicely toward arrogant folks, people who think they’re hot stuff or who are prideful. I’d much rather be kind to those who ask for my mercy and tell me that they are sorry and make amends along the way. And what’s more - I can tell you which people fall into which category!

I guess this makes me a judge of what is right and wrong, which is really not my prerogative but God’s. Who am I to determine who gets mercy and who doesn’t?

I read in the Bible that God’s love is such that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us. That’s pretty shocking when you think about it.

From that I deduce that while another person is against me in some way, I should be kind and loving towards them. Now why is that so difficult? I can only think of one reason - PRIDE. I have not been humbled before God; I have not experienced His grace to such a degree that I am able to dispense that same grace towards another. There are stories and parables about that in the Bible. And I believe that people like Ebeneezer Scrooge finally understand grace even if it is under threat and fear of death.

Every day is another opportunity for God to shed his grace on me. I don’t deserve it. What makes me think another person doesn’t deserve it? It’s my sin that keeps my eyes and heart shut. So every day I will make the effort one more time to extend to another that which God has already extended to me in Jesus Christ His Son. And if my effort is not enough I will surrender myself and the other person to my Lord. His lovingkindness lasts forever for both of us.

Yours in Christ,

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