
Asking For God's Kingdom

We who are believers live in a Kingdom that is all but invisible to the world. Only Christ can open our eyes to see the reality of God’s Kingdom - as He did following the Resurrection, when He broke bread and was then recognized by His disciples. Jesus told his disciples, "Blessed are you to see what others have longed to see – the Kingdom in your midst." Jesus also said, "No one can see the Kingdom unless he is born again"(John 3:3). He meant right now. There is a hand, unseen by the world, that provides.

It's like watching football or cricket or basketball. Some folks can observe the game without much of an understanding as to what’s actually happening. It’s the same with the Kingdom of God. Some people look at this world and all they see is a random series of events. So, when we read in the Scripture that all things work to good for those who love God, these same people may think, "If you’re lucky, it does", or "If you work hard, it might", and sometimes, to some folks, it’s all just a "crap shoot".

And just what is the point of loving your enemies and blessing those who curse you? In the kingdom of the world, it makes no sense. But in the Kingdom of God, it is crystal clear. It’s how Jesus lived.

Do I live like that? Occasionally. And in those moments I see God and discover that it’s no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.

Take for example the crucifixion and death of Christ. To most people at the time, it meant the end of the hopes and dreams for victory in this world. But to the thief on the cross, it meant new and eternal life. After the resurrection of Jesus, many people began to see the difference Christ makes in THIS life, which continues forever. I was reading the other day that from God's perspective, the resurrection of Jesus means that this life, the "right here and now", matters. It’s why Jesus came back in a physical body.

Can you see that your life matters to God? Can you see that God is for you, not against you? Can you see that life can be lived with love and joy no matter how it might appear?

This Easter, ask for God’s Kingdom. The whole thing. Jesus said, "Seek the Kingdom of God and all that you need will be given to you as well."

A blessed Holy Week and Resurrection Day to all of you,

P.S. Please feel free to join us at any of the worship services this week:
  • Holy Thursday Candlelight Communion, 7:30PM downstairs in the Social Hall
  • Good Friday Worship Presentation, 7:30PM in the sanctuary
  • Easter Dawn Worship, 6:15AM on Peconic Bay (at the Warns' home, 8740 Peconic Bay Boulevard)
  • Easter Worship, Sunday at 8:30 and 11:00AM

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