Who are you? Really? If you are trying to live up to the expectations of the world, if you are drawn more to the attractions of the world rather than God, then you can be sure you are living under original sin - where the self is always threatened.
Jesus was forever saying deny your self; lose your self. As you trust God deeply, you will find your true God-created self. To trust God is to believe that He always wills what is best for you. Loving God is trusting God. Trusting God frees you from fear of failure, fear of death. . . well, fear of anything, actually. The apostle Paul wrote that if God is for us, who can be against us?
There is a self within us that God will release if only we surrender to Him; not with a sense of fatalism ("I give up, I don't care"), but rather with real trust and love. Jesus promises that a new self will live. I believe Him! It's just that the world seems so darn attractive to my original self that I give in to it rather than God.
May we find the grace and the way to our best selves. Let's start by trusting God today with whatever comes our way.
I invite you to comment on this post, sharing how you trusted, surrendered to God, in a situation in your own life. Let's encourage one another in this!
Yours in Christ,
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ReplyDeleteWith apologies to Rory, HERE is his comment. His post was removed by mistake.
ReplyDeleteIt was after one of your sermons, you talked about the man on the tight rope and he said "anybody believe I can walk across this tight rope over this water fall?" They all said yes we believe! Do you believe I can walk across with this wheel barrel? Yes we believe you can. Do you believe I can walk across this tight rope with this wheel barrel with any one of you in it? It was silent.... Jesus was the man walking on the tight rope.
Well, then you started to talk about Haiti and how rough it was to travel there and you made it sound worse than getting in the wheel barrel on the tight rope. But I was intrigued. Then you asked did anybody want to get in the Haiti wheel barrel and travel down to Haiti with you. I signed up the next week and that was two weeks before 9/11/01. We landed a few days before all the events happened. As a matter of fact I recall landing in JFK looking at the Twin Towers in awe of how tall they were. I have not been more blessed during that trip. My heart goes out to the friends I made in Haiti and I know God is with them, they are wonderful people and I can't wait to go down again in the Haitian wheel barrel.