
December 30, 2009

You may be looking for a New Year's resolution to make. Good for you. We all need something new and different. So here's something for you to consider - let's all take a trip through the New Testament using a plan created by NavPress.

It's called 5x5x5. Easy enough to remember. Five days a week for 5 minutes a day, you and I read a chapter of the New Testament and then pick one of the 5 reflection tools (listed below) for getting deeper into God's Word. And then you get two days off for good behavior! It might even be a good study for home groups.

January 1st we begin with Mark chapter one. The entire year's reading can be found on our website or at the NavPress website.

Anyway, Gigi and I hope and pray for you a Blessed New Year, knowing that God will guide all of us and keep us for His glory.

5 x 5 x 5 Bible Reading Plan

Below are 5 different ways to dig deeper each day and encourage meditation. We recommend trying a single idea for a week to find what works best for you. Remember to keep a pen and paper ready to capture God’s insights.
Underline or highlight key words or phrases in the Bible passage. Use a pen or highlighter to mark new discoveries from the text. Periodically review your markings to see what God is teaching you.
Put it into your own words. Read the passage or verse slowly and then rewrite each phrase or sentence using your own words.
Ask and answer some questions. Questions unlock new discoveries and meanings. Ask questions about the passage using these words: who, what, why, when, where, or how. Jot down some thoughts on how you would answer these questions.
Capture the big idea. God’s Word communicates big ideas. Periodically ask, What’s the big idea in this sentence, paragraph, or chapter?
Personalize the meaning. When God speaks to us through the Scriptures, we must respond. A helpful habit is personalizing the Bible through application. Ask, How could my life be different today as I respond to what I’m reading?
Yours in Christ,

I found this great prayer for the end of the year, written by Puritans a long time ago and found in a book called The Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions.

Length of days does not profit me
except the days are passed in thy presence,
in thy service, to thy glory.
Give me a grace that precedes, follows, guides,
sustains, sanctifies, aids every hour,
that I may not be one moment apart from thee,
but may rely on thy Spirit to supply every thought,
speak in every word,
direct every step,
prosper every work,
build up every mote of faith,
and give me a desire to show forth thy praise;
testify thy love,
advance thy kingdom.
I launch my bark on the unknown waters of this year,
with thee, O Father as my harbour,
thee, O Son, at my helm,
thee O Holy Spirit, filling my sails.
Guide me to heaven with my loins girt,
my lamp burning,
my ear open to thy calls,
my heart full of love,
my soul free.
Give me thy grace to sanctify me,
thy comforts to cheer,
thy wisdom to teach,
thy right hand to guide,
thy counsel to instruct,
thy law to judge,
thy presence to stabilize.
May thy fear be my awe,
thy triumphs my joy.

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