
October 28, 2009

So I'm part of a study called Experiencing God. If you ever have the chance to study it - take it! It's about knowing and doing God's will. Our group is up to the part about knowing God by experience. See, while God has his purposes and plans that we sometimes don't understand, it seems that God has personal experiences with each of us as he did so often in the Bible. You can read the book of Revelation and try to get the Big Picture. But I prefer the stories of people like Joseph, Zaccheus, Martha and Mary, the blind man - to show the direct personal experience God has with each one of us. I believe it is possible for all of us to experience God in such a way to know that God is real and, even more, that he loves us and that we can know his plans for us are ultimately good.

So I came across the following exercise in this week's study: Describe an event through which you know you experienced God at work in your life. It's a great exercise for all of us. I'd like to suggest that you write one of your experiences and let us publish it in this year's Advent Devotion. Just write it out as you think of it and we'll edit as necessary (without changing your ideas).

What a great way to let others be encouraged in their own faith walk with God. So go ahead, while it is fresh on your mind, and send it to the church (mattpres@optonline.net). Your story is part of the Sacred Story God is weaving through history. Thanks in advance for sharing.

Yours in Christ,